Friday, April 4, 2008


If you would like to see some of my work
Check out my etsy store at
or my website

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Beginning

I started out as a beader. No wait it started before that. I love stones. It amazes me that heat, water, silicone and what ever else is thrown in the stew can make such wonderful patterns and depth. It makes me smile.
So when I did start make jewelry I leaned toward the gemstones and after awhile I could afford really nice ones.
But at last that was not good enough... so I started doing metal working. I couldn't pass up all those lovely cabs. It extended me into the world of the Artist. Now I was not just a beader I was an Artist and I get to use lots of tools and fire.
Metal working is hard sometimes the picture in your mind can't be fulfilled so I learned to use PMC.

PMC rocks but it doesn't like to be soldered. It can be done but man it doesn't like it . Add a rivet or two and it all starts to take shape.

Glass soldering- I purchased the most amazing glass slides from artist and some amazing books... Oh this could be cool add a few beads. It couldn't be that hard I can solder. HAAHAA -no I can't glass soldering is a whole other ball park and teaching myself took a while. I think I may have it....maybe?

Collage and paper came out of Glass soldering. I went to a scrap booking convention to get some supplies. Scrap bookers have it good. Lots of texture, pretty colors and best of all new tools.
So I started make cards.

Knitting came from no where, no reason. I just always want to learn to knit. It is on my list of things to learn in my life. Knitting seemed easier then learning Japanese and came quicker to me then playing the guitar. I am still working on the guitar. Yarn has lovely texture and great colors. Plus it can be done while watching TV which nothing else I do can be.

I joined Etsy so that I can do all the things that intrigue me and hopefully make a few coins so I can buy more supplies.
I am a supply junkie... but that is another post